Sitting by the Fireplace

Sitting by the Fireplace
Enjoying a hot Cup-A-Joe by the Fireplace

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's a Brand New Day - Part 2

Just as soon as I submitted my last post, I suddenly remembered my younger son, Caleb had to be at school an hour early today for chorus rehearsal!  Suddenly panic set in as I rushed him out of bed to eat and get dressed!  I am amazed at how fast I cleaned myself up to rush out the door!  He was a few minutes late but, we made it!  So much for a brand new day and making the most of it!  Well, I won't let it get me down and stress over it.  Since I'm recovering from shingles that started on my eyelid following along the trigeminal nerve going up over my eyebrow toward my hairline that had my eyelid really swollen for a couple of days that was probably brought on by stress, I can't let this get to me.  I am going to think positive and still make the most of this day, as it is still early!  I am relaxing with a big Cup-A-Joe before heading back out and on the road again to go to my sister's.  Hopefully as I journey through the rest of this day, there will not be any more bumps in the road!  I may take the time to fix up some tuna salad for the two of us to have for lunch as we catch up on stuff. 
Tuna saladImage via Wikipedia
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